Wabash Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors Projects
In Progress
Wabash Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Logging in to Your Account
1. Go to Wabash Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors (WVNHN) website and select the "Find Projects" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. (OR you can access the Project Search page by going directly to the button labeled “Request Help With a Project” on the WVNHN home page.
2. Click on the 'Login' button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
3. Type in the email address and password that you set up during registration. (Note: If you forgot your password, click "Forgot Password" and follow the instructions sent to your email to reset your password.)
4. Click the 'Login' button.
Once you are logged in, the button will say your name. You will be automatically signed out of your account after a period of inactivity and will need to log in each time you visit the webpage.